Just in time for the holidays!
Now through December 31, 2024, every time you refer a friend to open a checking account, you could earn $100!* Tell your friends about the many free features our checking accounts offer that are designed to make your banking experience better and your life easier.
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Free eStatements
- Free check images online
- Unlimited check writing
- Free Mastercard® debit card
- Access to over 55,000 surcharge-free partner ATMs.** Find an ATM near you.
- Print the certificate and fill in your name and last four digits of your checking, savings, or money market account number below.
- Give this certificate to a friend and have them bring it to a branch when they open a new checking account.
- After your friend’s account has been opened and has met the requirements, we will reward you with $100.
Offer valid 11/1/24-12/31/24. Existing customer must have a checking, savings, or money market account (excluding Health Account Services accounts) at First American Bank. New account must be opened by a new customer (customer may not have had a First American Bank checking or money market account within the last 6 months). New account opening subject to approval. *To qualify for the $100 reward, the new account must have at least one ACH transaction or 10 deposits/withdrawals within one of the first two statement cycles. Existing customer will be paid the $100 reward on the new customer’s statement date after the checking account qualifies. Reward amount will be reported to the IRS as interest paid on IRS Form 1099-INT. Individual, joint and trust accounts only. Excludes First American Bank employees and members of their household.
**Look for the Allpoint and Presto! logos to ensure your transaction will be surcharge-free.